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Academic success is a difficult and complex task. It depends on college strategies, determination, and some secrets. The term "academic secrets" usually refers to the secrets of learning, teaching, college, notes, exams, time management, meditation, and more. The MigBook will focus on all aspects of college success.

What about children and Housework?

Students with families have added responsibilities. Eliminate stress by daycare plan in advance. Find out if your college has a childcare program or can recommend one.

Visit the program, observe the caretakers and children, and ask questions. Also, make back-up arrangements in case of illness, a late school bus, an unexpected early dismissal, snow day at your child’s school but not at yours.

Cut down on the amount of housework you do. If you have children, delegate tasks appropriate to their ages. Before the semester begins, make a chart of weekly chores.

Promise a small treat on the weekend, like playing a game or baking cookies, if all the chores are done.

Streamline grocery shopping, meal preparation, and clean-up. Accept the fact that your living quarters may not be spotless. Dusty furniture or messy closets are small sacrifices for a college education.