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Academic success is a difficult and complex task. It depends on college strategies, determination, and some secrets. The term "academic secrets" usually refers to the secrets of learning, teaching, college, notes, exams, time management, meditation, and more. The MigBook will focus on all aspects of college success.

Time periods are too long

Most students focus on the same subject for about an hour comfortably. After that, detention begins to decrease. This can be happened because of frustrating and fatigue with a number of hours of continuous study. Best time for catching attention is beginning and ending of the period. Therefore, it is more important to deploy more time at the beginning and ending.

 Try to share lessons for different periods. Some students use the one hour time period as follows.

-5 minutes attentive time followed by 10 minutes break-

According to Gupta Nair, she feels tired unless they didn’t take a break within after every one hour.  Generally, other students study twenty or thirty minutes and obtain a five or ten-minute break. It is getting up a bit, relax blanket bath and body works or watching outside through the window. You can investigate the right time to study, but do not "learn until the fall."